Art and design

In Art and Design students will be able to discover new and interesting ways of making art. They will learn a wide variety of skills, techniques and creative processes, building on their prior knowledge and building a strong foundation to begin successfully following the KS4 course.

At KS4 Students will explore the work of artists and develop their own ideas from observations and research. Work comprises of drawing, painting, 3D sculpture, montages and ICT. The coursework consists of a portfolio of work which includes at least one extended project. The GCSE practical exam is set in Spring term of year 11, where students respond to a question, followed by a ten hour practical exam (completed during lessons in spring term).


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Get in Touch

Who we are

Music Stuff Education
Andrew Portersmith | Chief Executive Officer 07896 601162

Where we are

877 Ashton Old Road
(Access via South Street),
Units 3&4 The Cuthbert Centre,
Openshaw, Manchester, M11 2NA
Find us on a map

What we do

Music Stuff Education (MSE) is a specialist independent school for secondary age children with social emotional and mental health needs (SEMH), based in Greater Manchester.