Where a child has special educational needs (SEN) a school has statutory duties under the Education Act 1996, which include the following from sections 313, 317 and 317A.

  • The school should do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has SEN.
  • The school must ensure that where the headteacher or a nominated governor has been informed by an LA that a pupil has SEN, those needs are made known to all who are likely to teach that pupil.
  • The school must ensure that teachers are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for pupils who have SEN.
  • The school must ensure a pupil with SEN joins in the activities of the school together with other pupils, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with the child receiving the special educational provision their learning needs call for, the efficient education of the pupils with whom they are educated and the efficient use of resources.
  • The school must report to parents on the implementation of the school's policy for pupils with SEN.
  • The school must have regard to the SEN Code of practice when carrying out its duties toward all pupils with SEN.
  • The school must ensure that parents are notified of a decision by the school that SEN provision is being made for their child.

The SEN Code of practice explains there is a continuum of SEN and that, where necessary, increasingly specialist expertise should be brought to bear on a child's difficulties. The Code describes this as a graduated approach to addressing children's SEN. The Code suggests that where a child's difficulties are not ameliorated through usual approaches to teaching and learning, staff should decide on additional or different interventions at School Action.
If little or no progress continues to be made, school staff should consider seeking external support through School Action Plus. At this stage, external support services (both those provided by the LA and by other organisations) should be helping to develop interventions aimed at addressing a child's continuing barriers to achievement. However, the Code is clear that the involvement of such agencies need not be limited to such pupils — outside specialists can play an important part in the very early identification of SEN and in advising schools on effective provision designed to prevent the development of more significant needs. Where a child with SEN continues to make little progress in response to support provided through School Action Plus, the school should consider asking the local authority to undertake a statutory assessment of the child's SEN, as in Chapter 7 of the Code of Practice. As indicated at para 7.21 of the Code, a parent can request such an assessment at any time, which may result in a statement of SEN being issued for the child. Paragraph 7.29 of the Code explains that if an LA does not agree to undertaking a statutory assessment, the parents have a right of appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability), which was formerly SENDIST. Similarly, paragraph 8.15 of the Code explains that parents also have a right of appeal if a decision is made not to provide a statement, following a statutory assessment.

General Statement

All pupils at Music Stuff are entitled to be valued equally and to enjoy respect as individuals. Staff have high expectations of encouraging Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN/D), providing appropriate learning & teaching experiences within a supportive pastoral framework.  We aspire to nurture in students expectation, confidence and ambition for high attainment and achievement.  We aim to celebrate their successes and to foster their development as independent learners and responsible citizens, in partnership with families and the wider community.


The Team at Musicstuff is committed to securing and where appropriate, providing entitlement to support for students. This entitlement includes supporting and encouraging pupils with SEN/D to develop independence in their learning and skills for life.

Music Stuff provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all students. SEN/D students have equal access to this curriculum. Additionally, Music Stuff provide access to quality support mechanisms either within lessons or through small group or individual intervention.

Our SEN/D students face barriers to learning and progress and we aim to provide the expertise and guidance to help teachers structure learning that will support students in managing those barriers.

Music Stuff’s approach is firmly rooted in a philosophy of nurturing and unconditional positive regard. Through guidance, a focus on key skills development and access to a range of professionals, students are provided with a secure and caring approach to support both their academic and personal progress in school.

The school strives to help students realise their potential:  the personal, social, emotional, physical, creative and intellectual qualities and abilities they will require to enjoy fulfilling, active lives in education and beyond.


Music Stuff aims to build confidence in students, a confidence in their teachers and those who support them that they will achieve and be able to contribute to the whole life of the school regardless of ability. Students, particularly those with high needs, will have confidence that the additional support they require will be provided and that targeted resources are at the disposal of staff to ensure they make progress and that they are able to access mainstream lessons with learning needs identified and addressed.

To fulfil these aims, Musicstuff will:

  • Indicate to teachers barriers to learning and how to support students to manage those barriers.
  • Work with Home schools to ensure appropriate provision is made for high needs students.
  • Maintain communication with students about their learning, progress and needs.
  • Communicate with parents/carers about their child’s progress and provide opportunities for parents to contribute to Individual Educational Plans and targets (Code of Practice).
  • Monitor the quality of assessment and action response for SEN/D students to ensure students are being guided in addressing their barriers to learning appropriately.
  • Strive for early intervention to address barriers to learning.
  • Advise on curriculum development to ensure appropriate courses and accreditation routes are available at Key Stage 4.
  • Place an emphasis on nurturing.

Please see below for our SEND policy and SEND information report. If you require any further information or need any support then please contact us.

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Get in Touch

Who we are

Music Stuff Education
Andrew Portersmith | Chief Executive Officer 07896 601162

Where we are

877 Ashton Old Road
(Access via South Street),
Units 3&4 The Cuthbert Centre,
Openshaw, Manchester, M11 2NA
Find us on a map

What we do

Music Stuff Education (MSE) is a specialist independent school for secondary age children with social emotional and mental health needs (SEMH), based in Greater Manchester.